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Gore Hall, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, USA

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Gamma-ray Explosive Transients and How we Catch Them - Dr. Judy Racusin


Short-lived high-energy and multimessenger astronomical transients provide a window into the most extreme processes in the Universe.  They pose unique opportunities and challenges for automated detection, characterization, and dissemination of alerts to the community. Long-running NASA missions such as Swift and Fermi serve crucial roles in this arena with recent complementary additions of smaller missions and those with new capabilities.  I’ll highlight the development and operation of the BurstCube CubeSat mission, and the landscape of future gamma-ray space telescopes and their synergies with upcoming multi-wavelength and multimessenger capabilities.  NASA’s transient alert broker, the General Coordinates Network (GCN), enables this science by connecting space and ground-based communities.

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