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If you apply nutrients to 10 or more acres of land or have 8 or more animal units (an animal unit is equal to 1,000 pounds of live weight), you need to be certified through the Nutrient Management Program.

The following is a brief summary of your certification needs:


  • Poultry growers that do not land-apply nutrients (manure or fertilizer) need to attend "Introduction to Nutrient Management" and "Animal Production and Manure Management."

  • Grain, forage or vegetable producers that apply nutrients to crops need to attend "Introduction to Nutrient Management" and "Manure and Fertilizer Management," and "Soils and Nutrient Cycling."

  • Livestock owners (cattle, horses and sheep) who do not land apply manure need to attend "Introduction to Nutrient Management" and "Animal Production and Manure Management."

  • Turfgrass or landscape managers should not attend these sessions. There will be certification sessions for Turfgrass and Ornamental Horticulture in Winter 2023.

  • Individuals who plan to write nutrient management plans need to attend four sessions. Agriculture consultants should attend “Manure and Fertilizer Management."

  • Certified Nutrient Consultants in Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, or Pennsylvania who are seeking reciprocity need to attend "Introduction to Nutrient Management."

You will NOT be able to receive continuing education credits by attending these sessions.

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