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Join your fellow producers and the UD Extension team for an in-person discussion of this year’s current production issues. Other topics will include nutrient management, pest management and weed management. This session will inform producers of timely topics observed and occurring in 2023.


Pesticide and Nutrient Management Credits will be available.

The meeting is free, and everyone interested in attending is welcome.


Welcome and Introductions 5:00-5:05pm

Nick Adams, New Castle County Ag Agent- University of Delaware Cooperative Extension


Fertility Research Updates 5:05-5:25pm

Results from projects on sulfur and boron, grid sampling of nutrients, and sensor-based N management.

Jarrod Miller, Agronomy Specialist- University of Delaware Cooperative Extension


Cover Crop Planting after Corn and Soybeans 5:25-5:45pm

Benefits of fall cover crops, Cover crop vs no cover crop and highlight the significant impact on weed density and soil health. Focus on key aspects of effectiveness of fall cover crops like cover crop type, termination time and its relationship with biomass, N content and C/N ratio. Furthermore, the importance of synchronization of N release from cover crops and corn N uptake.

Sapana Pokhrel, Postdoctoral Researcher-University of Delaware, Dept of Plant and Soil Sciences


Nutrient Management Q&A 5:45-5:55pm

Updates on Nutrient Management in Delaware and open time for Questions & Answers on the program.

Sydney Riggi, Nutrient Management Agent, University of Delaware Cooperative Extension


Break 5:55-6:00pm


Weed Management 6:00-6:15pm

Late season weed management issues for corn and soybeans, herbicide issues for seeding cover crops, managing perennial weeds with fall herbicide applications and small grain weed control topics.

Mark VanGessel, Weed Specialist, University of Delaware Cooperative Extension


Pest Update 6:15-6:30pm

Slug research, soybean insecticide trials, and conservation IPM work conducted in New Castle County and other parts of Delaware will be discussed. Observations from insect traps and from other crops will be discussed, especially as they pertain to late-season pest management for 2023.

David Owens, Entomology Specialist, University of Delaware Cooperative Extension


Pathology Update 6:30-6:45pm

This event will cover an overview of diseases in corn, soybean, and small grain crops along with considerations to maximize the efficacy of fungicide applications for disease control. Discussion will cover common disease symptoms, growth stages most susceptible to disease, fungicide application methods, as well as in-season scenarios that may affect fungicide decisions. Additionally, we will introduce emerging diseases including tar spot of corn and review highlights from new research in short corn hybrids and cover crop termination timing. The goal of this program is to promote dialogue on pathogens of concern, disease thresholds, favorable environmental conditions for disease, and integrated management strategies to reduce disease pressure.

Alyssa Koehler, Pathology Specialist, University of Delaware Cooperative Extension


Plant Diagnostic Clinic Update 6:45-6:55pm

Disease highlight of the 2023 season in the Plant Diagnostic lab.

Jill Pollok, Plant Diagnostician, University of Delaware


Grain Market Update 6:55-7:00pm

Grain market updates through harvest and back to basics marketing.

Nate Bruce, Farm Business Management Specialist, University of Delaware Cooperative Extension


Credits and Evaluation to follow end of session.


This program is brought to you by University of Delaware Cooperative Extension, a service of the UD College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, a land-grant institution.

This institution is an equal opportunity provider. If you have special needs that need to be accommodated, please contact the office two weeks prior to the event.

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