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Sharp Laboratory, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, USA
Neutron Star Probes of Axion Physics - Dr. Anirudh Prabhu, Princton University
Abstract: Axions are a well-motivated extension to the Standard Model and one of the leading candidates to explain dark matter. However, detecting them is notoriously challenging due to their extremely weak coupling with Standard Model particles. High-energy astrophysical environments offer unique conditions where axions might be produced in abundance. Neutron stars, with their exceptionally strong electric and magnetic fields, are particularly promising as they can efficiently produce axions and facilitate their conversion into photons. In this talk, I will explore recent progress in modeling axion production near neutron stars, including how radio observations can place constraints on axion properties, the formation of axion clouds, and prospects for the direct detection of neutron star-sourced axions.
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