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16483 County Seat Hwy, Georgetown, DE 19947
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These events are designed to provide homeowners, homeowner associations and industry professionals with tools to become better stewards of the environment. Effective stormwater management and best management practices (BMPs) can improve water quality.


Carvel Research & Education Center 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.


Stormwater 101 (Sept. 18)

Jessica Watson, SCD Stormwater Program Manager, will cover the stormwater program in Delaware, current regulations, types of facilities, maintenance, and enhancements.


Turfgrass Nutrients (Oct 9)

John Emerson, UD extension agent, will review the updated Delaware Livable Lawns fertilizer BMPs and debunk common turfgrass fertilizer misconceptions. 


Enhancement & Funding (Nov 20)

Blake Moore, UD extension agent, will review how to attract beneficial insects and enhance stormwater facilities with native plants. Holly Walker, DNREC env. scientist will review watershed-based BMP funding opportunities. 


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