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This professional development series addresses disadvantages experienced by innovative women, startup founders and corporate innovators in their new to mid-career positions.


WE Hatch seeks to unleash the potential of creative, innovative and entrepreneurial women through curriculum, programming, mentorship, and venture funding support. WE Hatch is an initiative powered by University of Delaware Horn Entrepreneurship.


Five Workshops, five topics Attend one, two or all sessions



  • Session One (Feb. 11): Recognize and reframe questions that prevent buy-in for new ideas.


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    Women tend to be asked prevention questions when presenting new ideas, resulting in risk-averse decision making by prospective supporters. Recognizing prevention questions and providing promotion answers is a proven pathway to gaining increased support. Presented by Gail Ball.
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    Session Three (April 1): Gain meaningful market traction to silence naysayers

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    It’s easy to cast doubt on the potential of a new idea when it’s still on the drawing board. To quiet detractors and build confidence, women should focus on gaining market traction – that is, quantitative evidence of market demand – which provides the ultimate proof that an idea has merit. Presented by Maureen Rinkunas.


    Session Four (May 6): Building a great culture and team for sustainable success

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    Sustaining success requires continuous transformation. Great teams and great cultures embrace change, promote experimentation and empower women to pursue the creation, delivery, and capture of value from new ideas. Presented by Ed Cook and Roxanne Brown.


    Session Five (June 10): Telling your story to invite new customers, champions, and stakeholders to join the journey

    Information and to Register

    Innovation and intrapreneurship are highly competitive team sports. To fully unlock their potential as value creators and lead their teams to victory, women need to effectively socialize their ideas, tell their stories and ask for what they need. Presented by Jenn Halweil.


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  • Abigail Phillips

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